Dolphin Pose Great Inversion Starter
Dolphin Pose is a great forward bend and a stepping stone to full inversions. When you haven’t yet raised your…
Dolphin Pose is a great forward bend and a stepping stone to full inversions. When you haven’t yet raised your…
Child’s Pose is the perfect pose to surrender yourself to your own internal vision and intuition. It helps to balance…
In yoga the Third Eye Chakra is the sixth energy field in the human body. This is your sixth sense, your intuition, your inner compass. Located in the brain at…Continue Reading →
Upward Plank Pose or Purvottanasana is a great pose for opening up your yogic Throat Chakra, giving you the opportunity…
Legs Up the Wall pose or Viparitakarani is a calming and relaxing pose that allows time to reflect on your…
The Throat Chakra or, Vishudda in Sanskrit, is our center for communication and self expression. It is a pressure valve that allows the energy from the other chakras to be…Continue Reading →
Suptabaddhakonasana or Reclined Cobblers Pose may seem inert, but it is in fact an extremely powerful pose. Allowing you to…
Yoga poses are practised for physical fitness, mental focus, and also to balance your chakras. The centres of energy that…
Your Heart Chakra is all about love. Love of others, and love of yourself. It is the chakra that allows you to feel the sense of joy and connection experienced through…Continue Reading →
Another pose that helps to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra is Boat Pose or Navasana. This pose may appear to…