It’s that time of year again.  Lights, jingle bells, the stress of crowded malls, and every one sending holiday wishes.  Holiday wishes are great, as are season’s greetings, but wait.  What the hell happened to Merry Christmas?  After all isn’t that what we’re celebrating?


I don’t recall wishing anyone a happy holiday for thanksgiving just a few weeks ago.  No, I wished them Happy Thanksgiving!  So why the change just for Christmas?  Are people afraid to say Christ’s name or have we become so politically corrected to the point of stupidity.


Happy Christmas


When my Hindu friends celebrate Diwali, I wish them a happy Diwali.  When my Jewish friends celebrate Hanukkah, you guessed it, I wish them a happy Hanukkah.  So why do I only get a, “Happy holidays?”  Are we living in a “one size fits all,” society?  If yes, I’ll take those super stretchy yoga pants.


Some say that, “Happy Holidays,” is easier.  It covers all the celebrations that occur around the same time in December each year.  The Jewish celebrate Hanukkah, Africans celebrate Kwanzaa, and new non-religious celebrations of Festivus, Human Light, and Winter Solstice abound.


A 2012 study conducted by Pew Research on this very topic, found that Americans who were asked if they prefer Merry Christmas or a less religious greeting, chose “Merry Christmas,” (57%). Though 15% of survey respondents volunteered that they really didn’t care what the greeting was.


It is an on-going debate, a needless controversy, and one that is a waste of time and resources.  Texas enacted the Merry Christmas law to ensure that people who used the statement in schools and public spaces did not face legal retribution.   Nice to know your tax dollars are really working for you.


Still in Texas, there once were two separate law suits involving school principals that took eight years to resolve.  Now we know why Texas needed the Merry Christmas law. One banned candy canes after a student brought in the sweet treats with an explanation of their symbolism attached.  Apparently candy canes represent the shape of a shepherd’s crook.  Perhaps the same shepherds that watched their sheep on Christmas night.  The other lawsuit involved an elementary school principal that banned pencils with a slogan that said, “Jesus is the reason for the season.”  Is there another reason?


All in all, Christmas involves a large amount of madness.  From the fights over parking spots in overcrowded malls to the spoiled children who cry because they didn’t get what they want on Christmas morning, and by children, I mean the ones over twenty-five.


For those who are offended by this Christian’s religious holiday, give your head a shake. And whatever you celebrate, whatever your traditions are, I wish you a fantastic few days of happiness with friends and family.  And hope that the peace and love that is the true spirit of Christmas will find its way into the hearts of all.


Falalalala Merry Christmas


So Falalalala, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus etc. Bottom line, be Happy!



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